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Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching

Previous Recipients 2000-2002

Frank T. Coulson - Greek and Latin
J. Eric Juterbock - Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Susan Robb Jones - Educational Policy and Leadership
Gregory W. Kilcup - Physics
Dev S. Pathak - Center for HOPES
Mary K. Marvel - Public Policy and Management
R. Brian Stone - Industrial, Interior, and Visual Communication Design
David L. Tomasko - Chemical Engineering
Gregory N. Washington - Mechanical Engineering
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu - History

Javad Abdalkhani - Mathematics
Neeli Bendapudi - Marketing
Julia Guy - Anatomy and Med.
David Hart - Chemistry
Timothy Heron - School of Physical Activity and Ed. Services
Randy Hodson - Sociology
Keith Irvin - Animal Sciences
Ralf Rahwan - Pharmacy
Barbara Seidl - Ed T&L
Ian Sheldon - Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics

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