WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.120 --> 00:00:04.060 So the Alumni Association's purpose is to build a community of lifelong 2 00:00:04.300 --> 00:00:05.133 champions. 3 00:00:05.250 --> 00:00:09.700 That community is made up of alumni as well as friends across the 4 00:00:09.700 --> 00:00:10.533 university. 5 00:00:11.080 --> 00:00:14.780 And the Alumni Council is really an extension of the university. 6 00:00:15.080 --> 00:00:17.620 We have 35 members of the advisory council, 7 00:00:17.720 --> 00:00:22.100 and they come from a broad background and experience from both their university, 8 00:00:22.320 --> 00:00:25.620 uh, knowledge and their departments as well as their professional experiences. 9 00:00:26.160 --> 00:00:30.820 One of the most important elements of the council meetings is 10 00:00:30.820 --> 00:00:34.180 hearing the diverse perspectives of all of the council members. 11 00:00:34.920 --> 00:00:39.260 We all come at these issues from different educational backgrounds, 12 00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:40.320 um, 13 00:00:40.320 --> 00:00:44.940 and we can all share our expertise in the dialogue that we have at the meeting. 14 00:00:45.560 --> 00:00:49.700 So the Alumni Advisory Council really has a twofold purpose. First one, 15 00:00:50.320 --> 00:00:53.980 we take our university leaders and we share with the advisory group all the 16 00:00:53.980 --> 00:00:57.900 amazing things that are happening here on our campus. They then in turn, 17 00:00:57.960 --> 00:01:00.180 do two things with that information. First, 18 00:01:00.210 --> 00:01:03.900 they advise our university president as well as our board of directors. 19 00:01:04.240 --> 00:01:07.780 So this is a very diverse group that represents all the colleges, 20 00:01:07.800 --> 00:01:09.180 all the units across campus, 21 00:01:09.520 --> 00:01:12.900 and they have a great robust discussion about whatever those topics are. 22 00:01:13.280 --> 00:01:17.900 So some recent topics have included mental health on campus, 23 00:01:18.250 --> 00:01:22.100 diversity, equity, and inclusion, and teaching and learning. 24 00:01:22.880 --> 00:01:27.380 At each of the sessions, we hear from experts within the university, 25 00:01:27.520 --> 00:01:31.460 and then often we also hear from students who share their perspective on the 26 00:01:31.460 --> 00:01:32.293 issue as well, 27 00:01:32.760 --> 00:01:36.700 And they take that information back and advise our president and our board of 28 00:01:36.980 --> 00:01:37.640 directors. 29 00:01:37.640 --> 00:01:41.780 We summarize the key takeaways from all of the conversations we've had as a 30 00:01:41.780 --> 00:01:46.420 council with the university president so that the president 31 00:01:46.640 --> 00:01:51.540 can then respond and share their perspective on the issues as 32 00:01:51.540 --> 00:01:52.373 well. 33 00:01:52.480 --> 00:01:56.620 The second thing that they do with that information is they take it and share it 34 00:01:56.620 --> 00:02:01.140 with their professional and personal networks who then leverage that and 35 00:02:01.140 --> 00:02:03.420 hopefully bring in more advocates for the university. 36 00:02:03.710 --> 00:02:07.100 Those things really help us better understand where we're going and, 37 00:02:07.440 --> 00:02:11.620 and what we're doing as an institution and how we can provide advocacy 38 00:02:11.620 --> 00:02:14.060 throughout the university's platform. 39 00:02:14.680 --> 00:02:17.140 We are 600,000 plus of alumni, 40 00:02:17.290 --> 00:02:21.900 plus a whole lot more friends who we want to help find what they're passionate 41 00:02:21.900 --> 00:02:26.700 about here at Ohio State. And so the Advisory Council uses their time, 42 00:02:26.700 --> 00:02:27.280 talent, 43 00:02:27.280 --> 00:02:31.860 and treasure to help build a pipeline of new advocates for the university. 44 00:02:32.290 --> 00:02:36.460 Serving on the council has given me an appreciation for how 45 00:02:37.290 --> 00:02:41.140 that mission is implemented all throughout the university. 46 00:02:41.930 --> 00:02:44.940 I've particularly enjoyed interacting with the students. 47 00:02:45.800 --> 00:02:50.780 The best part for me as part of the council is really networking with those 35 48 00:02:50.780 --> 00:02:54.940 other council members and having time to share kind of our passion and love for 49 00:02:55.080 --> 00:02:56.300 the Ohio State University. 50 00:02:57.080 --> 00:02:59.980 My favorite part of working with the Alumni Advisory Council is, 51 00:03:00.160 --> 00:03:03.980 is how excited our council members get about learning new things at the 52 00:03:03.980 --> 00:03:07.180 university, what they can do with that information, taking it out, 53 00:03:07.180 --> 00:03:10.820 sharing it with other people. They're learning so much more every single day, 54 00:03:10.820 --> 00:03:12.740 and it's really fun to see their passion around that.