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Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching

Previous Recipients 1959-1970

E. Milton Boone - Department of Electrical Engineering
Simon Dinitz - Department of Sociology
W. Thomas Lippincott - Department of Chemistry
William A. Lyell, Jr. - Department of East Asian Languages
Frieda I. Shirk - College of Nursing
William J. Tyznik - Department of Animal Science
Milton Wyman - College of Veterinary Medicine
Joseph J. Quaranta - Department of Educ. Theory & Practice

David W. Cole - Academic Faculty of Finance
Ernest E. Good - School of Natural Resources
John E. King - College of Optometry
Charles C. Ritter - Department of Theatre
Lura Jane Stewart - Department of Educ. Theory & Practice

Albert L. Clovis - College of Law
Robert K. Dentan - Department of Anthropology
Rodney F. Plimpton, Jr. - Department of Animal Science
Clara G. Weishaupt - Department of Botany
Andrew A. Wojcicki - Department of Chemistry

S. Earl Brown - Department of Geography
Roger K. Burnard - Department of Zoology
Charles J. Fillmore - Department of Linguistics
James G. Gottling - Department of Electrical Engineering
Mark P.O. Morford - Department of Classics

Thomas B. Calhoon - Department of Physiology
Ernest O. Doebelin - Department of Mechanical Engineering
Leo A. Estel - Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Gordon K.Grigsby - Department of English
Sidney E. White - Department of Geology

James F. Fullington - Department of English
William F. McDonald - Department of History
John A. Prior - College of Medicine
Harold Shechter - Department of Chemistry
William T. Morris - Department of Industrial Engineering

Meno Lovenstein - Department of Economics
Linden Edwards - Department of Anatomy
Henry Wenden - Department of Geology & Mineralogy
Hoyt L. Sherman - Department of Art
Clyde Allison - Department of Botany & Plant Pathology

Edgar Dale - College of Education
Lois Gilmore - College of Home Economics
Harold J. Grimm - Department of History
Robert C. McMaster - Department of Welding Engineering
Samuel Saslaw - College of Medicine

Theodore N. Beckman - Business Organization
Jack G. Calvert - Department of Chemistry
Dwight M. Delong - Department of Zoology & Entomology
Alma Herbst - Department of Economics
Samuel Renshaw - Department of Psychology

C. Mary Borelli - Department of Romance Languages
Harold P. Fawcett - College of Education
Ralph A. Knouff - Department of Anatomy
John H. Sitterley - Dept. Agric. Econ. & Rural Sociology
F. Carlin Weimer - Department of Electrical Engineering

Robert C. Fisher - Department of Mathematics
H. Gordon Hullfish - College of Education
Robert D. Patton - Department of Economics
Oskar Seidlin - Department of German
Richard H. Zimmerman - Department of Mechanical Engineering

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