
What Our Media Choices Say About Us

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On the Now at Ohio State podcast, we talk with researchers, innovators and bold thinkers who look at our world, see what the real challenges are, and create the solutions that people need now. 

Episode 31 25-minute listen

What Our Media Choices Say About Us

After a stressful day, many of us turn to the television as a way to cope. A way to escape and connect with our favorite characters. And which shows we choose to watch provides insight into our minds. In this episode, two experts break down why we choose the shows we choose, why we like the characters we like and what those choices mean.
Headshot of Sara Grady
Sara Grady
Grady is a media psychologist with research focusing on the intersection of media and social life. She is currently working on experiments and studies to understand how people navigate media as a coping tool when facing social and environmental stressors, and how media influences our social relationships and identities.
Headshot of Matthew Grizzard
Matthew Grizzard
Grizzard’s research examines moral judgment processes as they relate to the consumption of popular media, with a primary focus on narratives. Current projects explore how viewers come to evaluate characters as heroes and villains, what types of narrative content elicit moral emotions such as guilt and why viewers prefer some types of narrative resolution over others.

Episode transcript