
The Growing Mental Health Crisis in Our Farming Communities

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On the Now at Ohio State podcast, we talk with researchers, innovators and bold thinkers who look at our world, see what the real challenges are, and create the solutions that people need now. 

Episode 26 27-minute listen

The Growing Mental Health Crisis in Our Farming Communities

There has been a large influx of mental health issues in our agricultural communities, but there are those out there looking to turn back that tide. In this episode, we talk to two experts on the crisis that’s gripping these communities, what’s been causing it and what’s being done to get help to those in need.
Headshot of Bridget Britton
Bridget Britton MSW, LSW
Britton is the Behavioral Health Field Specialist in the Agriculture and Natural Resources program area for The Ohio State University serving Tuscarawas County and around the state of Ohio. Britton’s primary focus is supporting the farm stress initiative and bringing awareness to those in agriculture about the importance of how stress can impact a person.
Headshot of Aaron Wilson
Aaron Wilson
Wilson is an Atmospheric Scientist at The Ohio State University, holding a joint appointment as a Principal Investigator at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center (BPCRC) and Assistant Professor, Ag Weather with OSU Extension - the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. He is also a contributing member to the State Climate Office of Ohio.

Episode transcript