Building index

Sorted by:
  1. A buildings list
  2. B buildings list
  3. C buildings list
  4. D buildings list
  5. E buildings list
  6. F buildings list
  7. G buildings list
  8. H buildings list
  9. I buildings list
  10. J buildings list
  11. K buildings list
  12. L buildings list
  13. M buildings list
  14. N buildings list
  15. O buildings list
  16. P buildings list
  17. Q buildings list
  18. R buildings list
  19. S buildings list
  20. T buildings list
  21. U buildings list
  22. V buildings list
  23. W buildings list
  24. X buildings list
  25. Y buildings list
  26. Z buildings list
  27. Street addresses


  1. AAAS Community Extension Center details (380) (CX)
  2. Ackerman Rd, 650 details (241)
  3. Ackerman Rd, 660 details (242)
  4. Ackerman Rd, 690 - Shelter House details (2442)
  5. Ackerman Rd, 700 details (921)
  6. Adriatico's details (909)
  7. Adventure Recreation Center details (211) (AR)
  8. Aerospace Research Center details (199) (AARL)
  9. Agricultural Administration details (003) (AA)
  10. Agricultural Engineering Building details (298) (AE)
  11. Airport Administration details (021)
  12. Airport Dr, 2740 details (955)
  13. Airport Operations details (031) (AO)
  14. Animal House Kinnear Research Center details (174)
  15. Animal Science Building details (156) (AS)
  16. Archer House details (261)
  17. Aronoff Laboratory details (131) (AL)
  18. Arps Hall details (011) (AP)
  19. Atwell Hall details (306) (AH)


  1. Baker Hall details (095)
  2. Baker Systems Engineering details (280) (BE)
  3. Barrett House details (184)
  4. Bevis Hall details (307) (BH)
  5. Bill Davis Baseball Stadium details (228)
  6. Biocontainment Laboratory details (345)
  7. Biological Sciences Building details (276) (BI)
  8. Biological Sciences Greenhouses details (010)
  9. Biomedical Research Tower details (112) (BT)
  10. Blackburn House details (1107)
  11. Blackwell Inn details (254)
  12. Blankenship Hall details (360)
  13. Bloch Cancer Survivors Plaza details (315)
  14. Bolz Hall details (146) (BO)
  15. Bowen House details (1104)
  16. Bradley Hall details (097)
  17. Brain and Spine Hospital details (372)
  18. Bricker Hall details (001) (BK)
  19. Browning Amphitheater details
  20. Bruegger's Bagels details (872)
  21. Buckeye Field details (108)
  22. Buckeye Village A - Cuyahoga Ct, 600-626 details (801)
  23. Buckeye Village Administration details (833)
  24. Buckeye Village Community Center details (800)
  25. Buckeye Village Recreation Hall details (834)
  26. Busch House details (1105)


  1. Caldwell Laboratory details (026) (CL)
  2. Campbell Hall details (018) (CM)
  3. Campus Shop details (987)
  4. CampusParc details
  5. Canfield Hall details (098)
  6. CBEC details (248) (CB)
  7. Celeste Laboratory of Chemistry details (371) (CE)
  8. Center for Integrative Medicine details (213)
  9. Center of Science and Industry - COSI details (934)
  10. Central Service Building details (077)
  11. Chadwick Arboretum details
  12. Child Care Center details (385)
  13. Cockins Hall details (063) (CH)
  14. Coffey Rd Sports Center details (255)
  15. Comprehensive Cancer Center details (363)
  16. Converse Hall details (056) (CV)
  17. Cryogenic Laboratory details (140)
  18. Cunz Hall details (293) (CZ)
  19. Curl Hall details (1106)


  1. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute details (113) (HR)
  2. Davis Medical Research Center details (382) (DV)
  3. Davis Tower details (1012)
  4. Denney Hall details (030) (DE)
  5. Derby Hall details (025) (DB)
  6. Doan Hall details (089) (DN)
  7. Dodd Hall details (171) (DO)
  8. Dodridge St, 250 W details (985)
  9. Doric on Lane details (2563)
  10. Drackett Tower details (189)
  11. Drake Performance and Event Center details (296) (DR)
  12. Dreese Laboratories details (279) (DL)
  13. Drinko Hall details (049) (DI)
  14. Dulles Hall details (337) (DU)


  1. Edison Joining Technology Center details (057) (ED)
  2. Eighteenth Ave, 209 W details (004) (EA)
  3. Eighteenth Avenue Library details (005) (SE)
  4. ElectroScience Laboratory details (009)
  5. ElectroScience Laboratory Complex details (977) (ESL)
  6. Eleventh Ave, 235-243 W details (177)
  7. Eleventh Ave, 33 W details (193)
  8. Eleventh Ave, 45 W details (964)
  9. Eleventh Ave, 53 W details (902)
  10. Enarson Classroom Building details (072) (EC)
  11. Evans Hall details (995)
  12. Evans Laboratory details (150) (EL)


  1. Faculty Club details (028)
  2. Fawcett Center for Tomorrow details (284) (CT)
  3. Fechko Alumnae Scholarship House details (040)
  4. Fisher Commons details (2565)
  5. Fisher Commons details
  6. Fisher Hall details (249) (FI)
  7. Flight Laboratory details (235)
  8. Fontana Laboratories details (1018) (FL)
  9. Fred Beekman Park details
  10. French Field House details (086)
  11. Fry Hall details (059) (FR)


  1. Galbreath Equine Center details (282)
  2. Gateway A details (860)
  3. Gateway B details (862)
  4. Gateway C details (863)
  5. Gateway D details (865) (GW)
  6. Gateway F - North details (867)
  7. Gateway F - South details (868)
  8. Gerlach Hall details (250) (GE)
  9. German House details (965)
  10. Goss Laboratory details (180) (GL)
  11. Graves Hall details (277) (GR)


  1. Hagerty Hall details (037) (HH)
  2. Hale Hall details (085) (FWH)
  3. Halloran House details (185)
  4. Hamilton Hall details (038) (HM)
  5. Hanley Alumnae Scholarship House details (864)
  6. Harding Hospital details (165)
  7. Haverfield House details (182)
  8. Hayes Hall details (039) (HA)
  9. Heffner Wetland Research and Education details (222) (HW)
  10. Herrick Dr, 393 details (132)
  11. Highland St, 1615 details (927)
  12. Hitchcock Hall details (274) (HI)
  13. Hopkins Hall details (149) (HC)
  14. Houck House details (194)
  15. Houston House details (1102) (HOU)
  16. Howlett Greenhouses details (297) (HG)
  17. Howlett Hall details (295) (HT)
  18. Hughes Hall details (042) (HU)


  1. Ice Rink details (229) (IR)
  2. Independence Hall details (338) (IH)
  3. Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research details (878)
  4. Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Hilliard details (2501)


  1. James Cancer Hospital details (375)
  2. Jameson Crane Sports Medicine Institute details (1004)
  3. Jennings Hall details (014) (JE)
  4. Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium details (092)
  5. Jesse Owens Recreation Center North details (347)
  6. Jesse Owens Recreation Center South details (348)
  7. Jesse Owens Tennis Center West details (349)
  8. Jesse Owens West Park details
  9. Jones Tower details (267)
  10. Journalism Building details (046) (JR)


  1. Kappa Kappa Gamma House details (2574)
  2. Kennedy Commons details (105)
  3. Kenny Rd, 1900 details (232)
  4. Kenny Rd, 2006-2030 details (214)
  5. Kepler Club House details (033)
  6. Kinnear Rd Center B details (365)
  7. Kinnear Rd Center C details (366)
  8. Kinnear Rd Center D details (367)
  9. Kinnear Rd Center E details (368)
  10. Kinnear Rd, 1100 details (373) (KI)
  11. Kinnear Rd, 1165 details (932) (LTC)
  12. Kinnear Rd, 1212-1218 details (378)
  13. Kinnear Rd, 1224 details (374) (KR)
  14. Kinnear Rd, 1245-1255 details (1260)
  15. Kinnear Rd, 1260 details (128)
  16. Kinnear Rd, 1275-1305 details (395)
  17. Kinnear Rd, 1315 details (951) (MB)
  18. Kinnear Rd, 760 details (963)
  19. Kinnear Rd, 930 details (227) (CAR)
  20. Kinnear Rd, 960 details (931)
  21. Knight House details (961)
  22. Knowlton Hall details (017) (KN)
  23. Kottman Hall details (340) (KH)
  24. Kuhn Honors and Scholars House details (959) (HN)
  25. Kunz-Brundige Extension Building details (1583) (KB)


  1. Lane Ave, 121 W details (915)
  2. Lane Ave, 127 W details (917)
  3. Lane Ave, 1480 W details (898)
  4. Laundry Building details (289)
  5. Lawrence Tower details (891) (LARH)
  6. Lazenby Hall details (041) (LZ)
  7. Library Book Depository details (350)
  8. Lincoln Tower details (271) (LT)
  9. Lincoln Tower Park details
  10. Longaberger Alumni House details (022)


  1. Mack Hall details (100)
  2. MacQuigg Laboratory details (265) (MQ)
  3. Maintenance Building details (078)
  4. Mason Hall details (252) (MH)
  5. Mathematics Building details (187) (MA)
  6. Mathematics Tower details (007) (MW)
  7. McCampbell Hall details (303) (MC)
  8. McCorkle Aquatic Pavilion details (247) (MK)
  9. McCracken Power Plant details (069)
  10. McPherson Chemical Laboratory details (053) (MP)
  11. Meiling Hall details (281) (ME)
  12. Mendenhall Laboratory details (054) (ML)
  13. Mendoza House details (260)
  14. Mershon Auditorium details (055) (MM)
  15. Mershon Center details (047) (MM)
  16. Metro High School details (943)
  17. Mirror Lake details
  18. Morehouse Medical Plaza - Concourse details (882)
  19. Morehouse Medical Plaza - Pavilion details (880)
  20. Morehouse Medical Plaza - Tower details (881)
  21. Morrill Tower details (272) (MT)
  22. Morrison Tower details (190)
  23. Mount Hall details (311) (MO)


  1. Neil Ave, 1656-1660 details (912)
  2. Newman and Wolfrom Laboratory of Chemistry details (147)
  3. Newton Hall details (275) (NH)
  4. Nicklaus Museum details (091)
  5. Nineteenth Ave, 140 W details (145) (KL)
  6. North Recreation Center details (1109)
  7. North Star Rd, 2470 details (094)
  8. Northwood-High Building details (357)
  9. Norton House details (186)
  10. Norwich Flats details (2564)
  11. Nosker House details (1110)


  1. Ohio Stadium details (082) (ST)
  2. Ohio Union details (161) (OU)
  3. Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center details (012)
  4. Orton Hall details (060) (OR)
  5. OSU Center for Human Resource Research details (967)
  6. Oxley Hall details (102) (OX)


  1. Page Hall details (061) (PA)
  2. Park-Stradley Hall details (851) (PARK)
  3. Parker Food Science and Technology details (064) (FS)
  4. Parking Garage - Arps details (278)
  5. Parking Garage - Biological Science Building details (283)
  6. Parking Garage - Cannon Dr N and S details (172)
  7. Parking Garage - Eleventh Ave details (352)
  8. Parking Garage - Gateway E details (866)
  9. Parking Garage - Lane Ave details (159)
  10. Parking Garage - Neil Ave details (287)
  11. Parking Garage - Ninth Ave E details (875)
  12. Parking Garage - Ninth Ave W details (359)
  13. Parking Garage - Northwest details (083)
  14. Parking Garage - Ohio Union North details (288)
  15. Parking Garage - Ohio Union South details (162)
  16. Parking Garage - SafeAuto Hospitals details (170)
  17. Parking Garage - Tuttle Park Pl details (088)
  18. Parking Garage - Twelfth Ave details (387)
  19. Parking Garage - W Lane Ave details (892)
  20. Parks Hall details (273) (PK)
  21. Paterson Hall details (103)
  22. Pennsylvania Place details (048)
  23. Pfahl Hall details (253) (PF)
  24. Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity details (855)
  25. Physical Activity and Education Services - PAES details (245) (PE)
  26. Physics Research Building details (070) (PY)
  27. Plumb Hall details (066) (PL)
  28. Pomerene Alumnae Scholarship House details (869)
  29. Pomerene Hall details (067) (PO)
  30. Postle Hall details (024) (PH)
  31. Pressey Hall details (309) (PR)
  32. Printing Facility details (290)
  33. Prior Hall details (302) (PI)
  34. Psychology Building details (144) (PS)



  1. Radiation Dosimetry Calibration Facility details (155)
  2. Ramseyer Hall details (090) (RA)
  3. Raney House details (1103)
  4. Recreation and Physical Activity Center details (246) (RP)
  5. Research Administration Building details (200)
  6. Research Center details (073)
  7. Residence on Tenth details (850)
  8. Rhodes Hall details (354) (RD)
  9. Riffe Building details (266) (RF)
  10. Rightmire Hall details (308) (RH)
  11. Riverwatch Tower details (969)
  12. Ross Heart Hospital details (353)


  1. Sandefur Wetland Pavilion details (215)
  2. Satellite Communications Facility details (264)
  3. Schoenbaum Family Center details (933) (SF)
  4. Schoenbaum Hall details (251) (SB)
  5. Schottenstein Center details (081) (JSC)
  6. Schumaker Complex details (1011)
  7. Science Village details (974)
  8. Scott Hall details (310) (SC)
  9. Scott House details (1108)
  10. Scott Laboratory details (148) (SO)
  11. Sherman Studio Art Center details (358) (SA)
  12. Siebert Hall details (099)
  13. Sisson Hall details (080) (SI)
  14. Smith Laboratory details (065) (SM)
  15. Smith-Steeb Hall details (852)
  16. Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center details (874)
  17. St John Arena details (076)
  18. Starling Loving Hall details (176) (SL)
  19. State of Ohio Computer Center details (949)
  20. Steelwood Athletic Training Facility details (944)
  21. Stillman Hall details (084) (SH)
  22. Stores and Receiving details (381)
  23. Student Academic Services details (160) (SAS)
  24. Sullivant Hall details (106) (SU)


  1. Taylor Tower details (268)
  2. Telecommunications Network Center details (379)
  3. The Oval details
  4. Thompson Library details (050) (LI)
  5. Torres House details (1101)
  6. Townshend Hall details (087) (TO)
  7. Transmitter - WOSU details (984) (VS)
  8. Turfgrass Foundation details (983) (TF)
  9. Twelfth Ave, 395 W details (356)
  10. Tzagournis Medical Research Facility details (163)


  1. University Hall details (339) (UH)
  2. University Plaza Hotel details
  3. Urban Arts Space details (991)


  1. Veterinary Medical Center details (299)
  2. Veterinary Medicine Academic details (136) (VM)


  1. Waterman - Agronomy Field Greenhouse details (952)
  2. Waterman - Dairy Calf Barn details (316)
  3. Waterman - Dairy Loose Housing Barn details (008)
  4. Waterman - Heifer Barn details (221)
  5. Waterman - Laboratory Headquarters details (179)
  6. Waterman - Main Dairy Barn details (317)
  7. Waterman - Multispecies Barn details (023)
  8. Waterman - North Pole Barn details (937)
  9. Waterman - Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Lab details (384)
  10. Waterman - Turf Shed 1 details (992)
  11. Watts Hall details (107) (WA)
  12. Weigel Hall details (355) (WG)
  13. Wetland Bike Shelter details (210)
  14. Wexner Center for the Arts details (386) (WX)
  15. Wilce Student Health Center details (294)
  16. William Hall Complex - Neil Building details (846)
  17. William Hall Complex - Scholars House East details (848)
  18. William Hall Complex - Scholars House West details (847)
  19. William Hall Complex - Worthington Building details (849)
  20. Wiseman Hall details (157) (WM)
  21. Women's Field House details (029)
  22. Woody Hayes Athletic Center details (270) (WD)



  1. Younkin Success Center details (052) (YN)


  1. Zoology Research Laboratory details (231)

Street addresses

  1. 4-H Center details (191) (FO)