Now at Ohio State Podcast

Refining Childhood Literacy

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From birth to age five is the most important part of development, but we might be falling behind in teaching language and comprehension to children.

Early literacy sets kids down a path of success as children and as adults, affecting the likelihood of graduation, high income/savings, good physical health, etc.

Piasta’s research focuses on early literacy development and how it's best supported during preschool and elementary years.

Shayne Piasta

Teachers are taking advantage of testing to help understand and meet the needs of all children in the classroom who come with different skill sets and experiences.

Schilling is a pre-K teacher at Ohio State’s A. Sophie Rogers School and researches how childhood trauma shows up in school and how educators can help.

Meredith Schilling

The COVID pandemic caused a new trauma for everyone and teachers saw the effects on children in school, specifically, with their social and emotional growth.

Phonics instruction is necessary, but not enough on its own. Language and comprehension skills as well as conceptual knowledge about the world support children’s literacy. 

From stop signs to grocery lists, getting children involved with the symbols and language around them will help set them up for success in the classroom and beyond.

Listen to Now at Ohio State