Now at ohio state Podcast

Resilience in Art and Life

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In this episode, we talk with an award-winning author and an accomplished researcher about resilience and best practices to overcome hardships. 

Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith MFA '03 is an Ohio State alum and a New York Times best-selling author who uses her poetry and own experiences to guide others through life challenges. 

Her books Keep Moving and You Could Make This Place Beautiful help readers articulate their feelings through Maggie’s experiences as she offers how she practiced resilience in her personal life.

Maggie preaches slowing down and reflecting. She created “beauty emergencies” to bring her own family into the present moment to observe life’s natural beauty. 

 “You don’t build resilience unless you’re faced with difficult things.”

Jackie Hoying PhD, RN, NBC-HWC, FNAP is a board-certified health and wellness coach dedicated to improving overall mental health in college students and health professionals. 

Dr. Jackie Hoying

Jackie is the program director of MINDSTRONG, a seven-week program at Ohio State to improve mental health and support positive adaptation to stress, anxiety and depression.

Resilience can be learned: It requires self-confidence, self-control and a positive attitude. Practice intentional gratitude when you first wake up to change your energy and perception of the day.

When you change your negative thoughts to positive ones, “you start to project that, your brain starts to believe that and you start to behave that way.”

Listen to Now at Ohio State