O-H-I-O Photo Upload

O-H-I-O Photo Upload

O-H-I-O across the world

See how you can upload your photos of O-H-I-O and learn how to stay informed and connected with fellow Buckeyes and Ohio State alumni.

Ohio State Buckeyes have many cherished traditions that connect them. But none are as visually striking as posing in O-H-I-O. It connects us not just emotionally, but physically, to our beloved state and university. And we love to see pictures of Buckeyes striking the pose all over the world!

Travelling with friends to Italy? Strike the pose and snap a pic in front of the colosseum. Headed off on a cruise with family? Strike the pose and snap a pic on the bow. And of course, don’t forget to send those pictures our way by emailing osuaa@osu.edu.

Four people in shadow spell OHIO on a sunsetting beach
A group of four people spell OHIO in front of a beautiful mountain
Four recent graduates pose as OHIO on campus
Four people in scenic cave spell OHIO
Three veterans spell OHIO using the Washington Monument as the I
Four people in colorful garments spell OHIO
A group of four people spell OHIO in front of an Egyptian pyramid

It started out as a simple football cheer

It was something for late 19th Century fans to shout during football games. But today, "O-H-I-O" means the whole package: strong athletic traditions, major school spirit, academic achievements and community outreach.

Twelve cheerleaders in 1939 hold each other up to spell OHIO
This 1936 photo of cheerleaders in Ohio Stadium is the first O-H-I-O photo ever taken. They spelled out O-H-I-O with a few more people - and a lot more athleticism.

Stay connected with fellow alumni

The Ohio State University Alumni Association keeps you connected to the alma mater you love and your fellow Buckeyes. Your alumni family — more than 600,000-strong — is always growing stronger. Ours is a vibrant, inclusive community dedicated to making the world better.

Whether you want to join a club or society, stay up to date on Ohio State news or find ways to connect with fellow Buckeyes, the Ohio State Alumni association website is the perfect place to visit.