Together, Buckeyes change the world
Across Ohio and around the globe, the alumni association helps all Buckeyes stay connected, get involved and create meaningful impact on a scale few can match.
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Commemorate Homecoming Weekend!
October 24–26, 2024 | Whether you are heading back to campus or celebrating from elsewhere around the globe, there are plenty of activities for you to engage with and support other Buckeyes!
Celebrate “Back to School” with these fun Ohio State-themed games!
As school returns to session for fall 2024, we hope you get in the nostalgic Buckeye spirit with these unique games, shared in collaboration with Ohio State Alumni Magazine.
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Upcoming Events
OSURA Fall Conference
Fall 2024 Family Fridays
Masterminds in healthcare: Answering our calling to care
Share your O-H-I-O photos
Buckeye spirit is boundless. Show your pride by submitting your best O-H-I-O photos.
Email us your photosStories from Ohio State Alumni Magazine
We’re scarlet, gray and doing OK
Ohio State has been expanding mental health care for students. The result: more Buckeyes who can focus on their studies and pursue their dreams.
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The goal: Whole now and after graduation
The College of Veterinary Medicine goes to great lengths to care for students and prepare them for challenging careers.
They hustle to help athletes
Designed by go-getters, Athletics’ approach to providing mental health care sends counselors out to practice and game venues to build trust and access for students.
These 3 alumni help people feel and do better
Buckeyes do good all around the world, and Keshawn Harper ’14, ’20, Ally Pesta ’18 and Rick Milenthal ’82 focus on kids, body image and anti-suicide efforts.