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Enriching firm friendships across our alumni and Buckeye communities

Oklahoma Alumni Club - Membership


Serving Ohio State alumni and friends throughout Oklahoma. Our club is run by volunteer alumni who serve as officers and members of the board of directors. We are a fully chartered club with the Ohio State Alumni Association.

Club Mission

Our goals are to be an effective link for the university and the Oklahoma community, in addition to promoting fellowship and professional relationships among Ohio State alumni, Oklahoma-based students and friends of the club.

  • Provide lifelong social opportunities for alumni and friends in Oklahoma
  • Promote student recruitment in the community
  • Grow a scholarship fund
  • Foster community awareness of The Ohio State University

Benefits include:

  • Networking with Ohio State alumni, faculty, students and supporters
  • Be a part of a developing alumni club
  • Ticket opportunities for Ohio State sporting events
  • Official Ohio State Alumni Club of Oklahoma pin
  • Participation in special club events
  • Access to member discounts
  • Access to alumni based webinars
  • 100% of dues go towards our scholarship fund


  • Dues of $25 per person will be used to support tuition-based costs for Oklahoma-based students.
  • We want Oklahoma students to discover the awesomeness of Ohio State!
  • Membership in the club is not limited to just alumni! We welcome friends and fans of The Ohio State University.

Join online

Become an active member of the Ohio State Alumni of Oklahoma club today!

You must complete both steps to successfully register or renew your membership.

  1. Fill out a basic questionnaire, press submit and move on to the second step
  2. Make a donation of at least $25 to our support fund

When making a gift, you’ll be asked to enter your contact information again. Please fill out all required fields to ensure your membership submission is processed correctly.