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Enriching firm friendships across our alumni and Buckeye communities

Erie County Alumni Club - Membership


Become a Club Member

Membership to the Alumni Club of Erie County is not limited just to alumni. All Buckeye fans and supporters are welcome to join. Your dues-donation will help support the programs, activities and scholarship funds.

As a member, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Pay Forward by supporting scholarships for local students attending Ohio State with tax-deductible membership dues as applicable to you.
  • Be a part of the Erie County area network of Ohio State alumni, former students, and supporters.
  • Encourage and support outstanding, local high school seniors to choose The Ohio State University for their lifetime learning. The club works hard to raise money by arranging game watches, raffles, and other fund-raising events to award scholarships to Erie County area candidates.
  • Make new connections and contacts with fellow Buckeyes.
  • Enjoy game watches and cheer on our Buckeyes particularly when we play TTUN.
  • Receive discounts from supporting vendors and our game watch hosts. (Landmark Kitchen and Bar)
  • Relive the excitement we had in Columbus on crisp fall day before a big game.
  • Ability to serve on committees.
  • Contribute to the community through service events such Facer Park Annual Cleanup (fall) and Planting (spring).

Three ways to join: