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Health Services Management and Policy (HSMP) Alumni Society - About

About the Society

The goal of the HSMP Alumni Society is to anchor our alumni community. 

The society is open to all graduates of the Ohio State Health Services Management & Policy program (stemming back to the class of 1971) and offers numerous opportunities to connect with other alumni across the world, including the Management Institute signature conference, networking events, and a regional ambassador program.

Interested in joining the alumni society as a volunteer? Email us at

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for establishing ad hoc committees and coordinating their activities, establishing the calendar of major events, developing the budget, establishing objectives for the Society, and reviewing the Constitution and Bylaws at least every third year. They are elected by the alumni base for two-year terms. 

HSMP Alumni Society Executive Committee

Hillary Kummer 2015


Vish Bhatt 2014

Past President

Ted Merhoff 1994


Libbey Hoang 1999


Zeb Purdin 2015


James Ballenger 2020

Member at Large
Management Institute Committee Chair

Meredith Schram 2019

Member at Large
Data Governance Task Force Chair

Christopher Coloian 1990

Member at Large
Programming Task Force Chair

Hanna Gottschalk 2020

Member at Large
MI Revamp Task Force Chair

Anton Johnson 2016

Member at Large

Matt Vestal 2009

Member at Large

Bob Wolin 1981

Member at Large

Robert Frediani 1993

Member at Large

Reed Franklin 2019

DEIC Chair

Allison Williams 2023

Communications Task Force Chair

Eddie Weeks 2023

Engagement Committee Chair

Awards Committee

The Awards committee consists of former HSMP Alumni Society presidents. The committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning society-sponsored awards, university-sponsored awards, and other professional awards, as appropriate. The immediate past president serves as the Awards Committee Chairperson. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) is responsible for (1) advising the Alumni Society and HSMP program leadership on challenges and opportunities related to student and alumni diversity and inclusion and (2) developing activities and programs focused on healthcare equity.

Engagement Committee

The Engagement Committee is responsible for developing and executing strategies to engage alumni. One such strategy is the Regional Ambassador Program, which connects current and future alumni throughout the country.

Management Institute Committee

The Management Institute Committee is responsible for planning an educational session typically held in the fall. The committee will develop objectives for Management Institute, secure speakers and a meeting location, develop publications related to the event, and any other tasks affiliated with this meeting. 

Make a gift

Support the HSMP Alumni Society by making a gift to the HSMP Graduate Program Alumni Society Enhancement Fund. This fund provides ongoing support to the alumni society’s operations and programs that enhance alumni outreach, involvement and communications.

Give today