Knox County Alumni Club - Membership
You are invited to join and/or support us whether or not you have attended Ohio State or are a graduate of Ohio State!
There are 3 ways you can become a part of the Knox County’s Ohio State Alumni Club. Complete the ptintable membership form (DOCX) and return it to the club’s mailing address.
- Pay annual dues: $10.00 per year for an individual or $15.00 per couple. (This entitles you to membership in Knox County Ohio State Alumni Club only. Make check payable to OSU Alumni Club of Knox County.)
- Make a minimum donation of $25.00 annually to the Mount Vernon and Knox County Community Foundation and designate your gift as a contribution to the OSU Scholarship Fund. (This provides Membership/Associate membership in Knox County OSU Alumni Club only. Please make check payable to Community Foundation with OSU scholarship in the memo section. Mail the check to us for membership purposes and we will forward the check to the Community Foundation.)
- Be a Sustaining Member of the OSUAA by making a minimum $75.00 donation to the Ohio State University. You can designate your contribution to any Ohio State program or you can use funding code #306862 to designate your $75 to be applied to the Knox County OSU Scholarship fund. (Please make checks payable to The Ohio State University Foundation. If you give to OSU directly or online, still complete this form and mail it back to us so we can document your local Club membership information.)
Contact the club at!