Arts & Creativity
The healing power of creative engagement
By combining artistic expression with neuroscience, Lise Worthen-Chaudhari is making huge strides in healing those with neural impairments.
6-minute read
A tango that heals and inspires cancer survivors
2-minute read
Can music reduce livestock aggression?
2-minute read
Dance like the future is watching
5-minute read
Visualizing music: its history and promise
6-minute read
The beauty of public art? You can’t avoid it
3-minute read
An artistic approach to treating autism
2-minute read
Using comics to inspire inclusion
6-minute read
The rise of the female superhero
3-minute read
Your child’s reading list probably isn’t diverse enough
2-minute read
How music plays your emotions
3-minute read
Five career lessons I learned in college
6-minute read
Sparking creativity through reading
8-minute read
A sweet and tasty twist on fine art
4-minute read
Minute Professor: Zombies!
6-minute read
Brushing through burnout
4-minute read
Drawing to clarity after a bipolar disorder diagnosis
8-minute read
An alumna’s philosophy: Teach music, spread joy!
15-minute read
Chuck Csuri was at his most comfortable on the edge
3-minute read
How painting helped him cope with OCD
4-minute read
Art to bring the community together
10-minute read
A ’Shoe expert built a mini version in his basement
6-minute read
New tech to decipher ancient manuscripts
2-minute read
Pokagon Potawatomi baskets on display
2-minute read
Timashev Family Music Building is for ‘everyone’
4-minute read
Ohio State announces Artist Laureate
3-minute read
Finding resilience in art and life
2-minute read
Tips for Christmas trees and poinsettias
2-minute read