Navy ROTC Alumni Society - About
We serve as a gateway for NROTC alumni, current midshipmen, and other NROTC members, in lifelong support of The Ohio State University, and the NROTC Battalion through membership in the NROTC Alumni Society and Ohio State Alumni Association with activities, endowments, scholarships, and services.
A letter from the Board
Dear Fellow NROTC Alumni Shipmate,
The Naval ROTC Alumni Society exists to support the Ohio State Naval ROTC Battalion of Midshipman and to promote close relations among alumni, midshipmen, staff, potential recruits, community and the university.
The Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps has a rich history extending over 70 years on the Ohio State University campus. Hundreds of Naval, Marine, and community leaders have launched their careers through Ohio State NROTC.
Through a variety of events, media, and activities, the alumni society provides a way to share the rich naval traditions of the midshipmen at Ohio State, to stay abreast of what is new at the NROTC Unit, to honor and assist the midshipmen and alumni.
Through a variety of events such as the football reunion tailgates, the Flag Honor Hall of Fame, Midshipmen Seawolf Scholarships, support of various activities for the NROTC Battalion throughout the school year, it hopes to keep alive the Navy/Marine spirit at Ohio State.
Today’s NROTC midshipmen are training to lead our Navy and Marine Corps of the future, and they deserve the support of the university and the alumni. It is more important than ever that we continue to train strong leaders for the Fleet and the Corps. By being a paid member of the NROTC Alumni Society and the Ohio State Alumni Association you can help this to happen.
Among the many ways you can help:
- Join the Ohio State Alumni Assoc and the NROTC Alumni Society. Your dues support programs.
- Contribute to the NROTC Alumni Society Seawolf Endowment Fund; a scholarship fund for non-scholarship midshipmen.
- Encourage a student to apply to Ohio State and NROTC.
- Nominate someone for the Flag Honor Hall of Fame.
- Serve on a committee.
- Serve on the Board of Directors.
“Wishing you fair winds and following seas.”
Steven Drefahl ’74 CAPT USN (retired)
Brian Ginnane ’93 CAPT USN (retired)
Mark Bortnem ’98 COL USMC
Darrell L. Dreher ’66 LT USN
Kenneth L Worthy ’91 CAPT USN (retired)
David E. (Dave) Ozvat ’70 RDML Ohio Naval Militia (retired)
David (Dave) Happ ’71 CDR USN (retired)
Gerard Thomas (Tom) Lennon, Jr. ’71 CAPT USN (retired)
Henry Phillips ’71 LCDR USN (retired)
Brian Murray ’76 MAJ USMC (retired)
Paul Matthews ’76 MAJ USMC (retired)
Elizabeth Boardman ’77 CDR USN (retired)
Jon Berg-Johnsen ’78 CAPT USN (retired)
Dina Wald-Margolis ’90 USN
Charles Smith ’95 COL USMC
Frank Bennett ’96 CAPT USN
Morgan Ritter ’07 MAJ USMC (2007–2017)
CAPT Darrell Canady USN
Julie Haley
Our Strategic Plan
1:00 We will be the gateway through which Alumni connect with The Ohio State University, with each other and serve the University.
1:01 Publish Seawolf Newsletter that features Alumni news, lists e-mail addresses of members, prints Unit updates and includes Association information
1:02 Promote increased use of our Website, co-developed by Midshipmen, and coordinate inter-web usage among the Unit and the Association’s Websites.
1:03 Promote Association’s Alumni Day Fall Event, Alumni Learning / Educational Event celebrating Naval Science, and special events by means of the Seawolf Newsletter and special e-mail announcements.
1:04 Hold annual football game tailgate gatherings with NROTC Unit involvement by means of e-mail announcements for Society Alumni.
1:05 Provide opportunities for Society Alumni to purchase Association tickets to a variety of athletic and special events.
2:00 We will cultivate student loyalty to the Alumni world by visibly contributing to their campus experiences.
2:01 Encourage Society members to become active in partnering with Unit Midshipmen in their volunteer projects and to identify Alumni Association resources that will enhance their matriculation.
2:02 Participate in the effort to focus on Networking Alumni Events by publishing announcements in our Newsletters, e-mail and by use of the Unit information distribution sources.
2:03 Coordinate with the PNS to identify Unit events for Society involvement.
3:00 We will become the biggest dues-supported Alumni Association by demonstrating exceptional service and indispensable value.
3:01 Present a congratulatory letter to commissioned / graduates urging them to continue membership involvement in the Society and the Alumni Association.
3:02 Urge Society members by means of the Newsletter to identify other OSU graduates, encouraging them to become members of the Alumni Association.
3:03 Renew and increase Society memberships and conduct campaigns to increase memberships in the Alumni Association.
3:04 Seeks suggestions for providing added services for members, when communicating by e-mail to announce upcoming special events.
4:00 We will develop a virtual Alumni organization accessible to Alumni all the time.
4:01 Complete linkage of Society’s Website to the Association’s Website.
4:02 Explore the use of additional technology to link membership communication to our Website.
4:03 Publish in Newsletter the names of Midshipmen receiving Engineering College grants from the LCDR Robert Friedman USN Scholarship Fund.
4:04 Award grants and publicize in Newsletter the names of Midshipmen receiving grants from the Society’s Seawolf Scholarship Fund.
4:05 Use creative technology such as Facebook to link Society and Association Alumni.
4:06 Survey membership through Website, e-mail and Facebook to enhance Alumni experience and communications.
5:00 We will give Alumni the tools to influence public opinion about The Ohio State University around the world.
5:01 Participate in local middle / high school Career Day activities to encourage enrollment at the University and, possibly, the OSU NROTC program.
5:02 Recognize and publicize achievements by “high profile” NROTC Alumni.
5:03 Notify Society Alumni of significant University events.
5:04 Invite participation by local Navy and Marine Corps Leagues in Society activities.
5:05: Participate in annual on-campus Military Services commemorations.
Questions or comments?
Please email us at