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Navy ROTC Alumni Society - Membership


Join/Renew the Society

Benefits of paid membership in 2025

  • Engagement opportunities through football tailgates, receptions and Ohio State sporting events
  • Midshipmen support through the annual Seawolf Scholarship
  • Eligibility to purchase football tickets from society allotment**
  • Society recognition through our website hosted by The Ohio State University Alumni Association
  • Alumni recognition through NROTC alumni communications and the Flag Hall of Fame for distinguished graduates
  • Alumni involvement at freshmen orientation, graduation, commissioning and mentoring


**To receive this benefit you must be a recognized donor of The Ohio State University Alumni Association (OSUAA)

OSUAA Recognition Levels

NROTC Alumni Society Membership Levels

Certificates of recognition will be issued to all dues-paying members.

You must complete two steps to successfully register or renew your membership. 

  1. Fill out a basic questionnaire, press submit and move on to the second step
  2. Make a donation to our support fund of the level's dues

When making a gift, you’ll be asked to enter your contact information again. Please fill out all required fields to ensure your membership submission is processed correctly.

Please note that to be eligible for football tickets from the Society’s ticket allotment you must be a member of the NROTC Alumni Society and recognized with OSUAA at the Alumni Donor or Life Donor Levels. We recommend that your donation be made to The Ohio State University Naval ROTC Alumni Society Award Fund (#645122). 


An important note about the online applications

To donate by check, make your check payable to: The Ohio State University and include Navy ROTC Alumni Society Support Fund #318410 in the memo.

Mail check to:
The Ohio State University Foundation
P.O. Box 736096
Chicago, IL 60673-6096

Mail-In Membership Option

If you prefer to mail in an application instead of using the online forms above, please download one of the files below and mail it to:

The Ohio State University Foundation
P.O. Box 736096
Chicago, IL 60673-6096