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Enriching firm friendships across our alumni and Buckeye communities

OSURA - About


The Ohio State University Retirees Association (OSURA) is a terrific source for information, entertainment, collegiality, and friendship.

An Executive Board and ten standing committees guide activities geared to improve and maintain members’ vibrant physical, mental, and financial health.

Since its founding in 1983, OSURA has enhanced the well-being of its members through educational, cultural, and recreational programs, as well as kept them informed of state and University pension and benefit policies.

Events, most of them free, answer curiosity and encourage companionship, both especially important to mental and physical health. There are monthly special interest group (SIG) get-togethers, presentations on current topics, education about health and wellness, and ways to plain enjoy life.

The association also impacts students’ wellness through the new OSURA Endowment Fund to Combat Student Food Insecurity. It benefits the Buckeye Food Alliance, a student-run food pantry.