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Enriching firm friendships across our alumni and Buckeye communities

Northwest Alumni Club - Membership


Why should you join? More than 229 geographically based Ohio State alumni clubs and contacts offer opportunities for service and friendship all over the world.

Club members meet to plan events, to raise funds for scholarships, to inform prospective students about Ohio State, to greet Buckeye athletes or performing artists appearing in the communities, to hear speakers on a variety of topics, and to enjoy being part of the great Ohio State University.

The Ohio State University Alumni Club of Northwest Ohio is a self-supporting group of Ohio State alumni and supporters who strive to promote The Ohio State University through a wide range of activities. The Club is affiliated with The Ohio State University Alumni Association. Membership in the Club does not include membership in the Alumni Association, nor does membership in the Alumni Association include membership in the Club.

Being an Ohio State graduate is not required to join the Club. Our club membership is open to anyone wishing to support the Buckeyes. The membership year runs from July 1 through June 30.


  • 1-year single membership: $20
  • 1-year couple membership: $25
  • 2-year single membership: $40
  • 2-year couple membership: $50

Join today!

Complete the online membership process below or download this printable membership form (PDF) and mail to:

The Ohio State Alumni Club of NW OH
Patrick McColley
525 Cambridge St.
Napoleon, OH 43545

Pay Membership Dues
Membership Level